Direct mail campaigns are more than a postcard in the mailbox. You direct mailing piece must be targeted! A uniquely designed mailing piece not only stands out in the mailbox, but it also creates an opportunity for you to create a new offering for your potential customers.
Direct Mail campaigns have response rates between 10% and 15%. According to Google, the average click-through rate of ads on the Google search network is 2%.
Can direct mailing campaigns really drive web traffic?
With advancements in technology you direct mail postcard or flyer can be personalized with an eye-catching design and finishes that not only look good but it feels good. Print Group Inc. offers a streamlined process from design to delivery for a stress-free marketing campaign. All you have to do is respond to the phone calls and website sales and requests.
Yes, you heard me correctly website traffic. Direct Mail is an amazing driver of website traffic. Actually, direct mailing campaigns create a higher response rate than any digital direct marketing medium. Its response rate ranges from about five to nine times greater than that of email marketing, paid google search, or social media.
Source: ANA/DMA Response Rate Report 2018)
But I don’t have a list of mailing address!
No problem with the USPS Every Door Direct Mail you can select zip codes and carrier routes to target your best prospects. EDDM is an extremely powerful, low-cost marketing avenue for attracting new customers and reaching current customers with a new message.
Their online mapping tool has an easy to use interface to help you choose the perfect zip codes and carrier routes that include your target market. You can choose carrier routes within specified zip codes based on past U.S Census data. Although the website allows you to calculate postage costs and will give you an error if you try to select more than 5000 address, don’t worry Print group Inc. is a certified EDDM mailing house and we can exceed the 5000 address limit. We also find that your final mailing costs can be a little less than the estimate quote when using a mailing service like Print Group Inc. You can learn more at
Stand out in the mailbox.
Another great opportunity from UPSP EDDM is your printed mailing piece can stand out in the crowd. Your typical postcard is 5 inches x 4 inches. The dimensions on this card easily get lost in the shuffle of bills and letters. EDDM allows you to send postcards up to 6 inches x 11 inches. Postcards of this size stand out in the mailbox and get noticed.